How to Make Cheong (Master Recipe and Notes)

by Simon
How to Make Cheong

In general, making cheong is easy, although sometimes some people report difficulties.

Here we will share the cheong recipe, a recipe that we have been making for a very long time.

Making cheong is easy, and honestly nothing is as complicated as some beginners say.

OK, let’s just share the cheong recipe here, hopefully you can follow it easily. Also look at other articles, I hope you like them.

How to Make Cheong Easily

The materials you have to prepare. Of course it’s very simple, fruit and sugar. However, you have to be able to measure it with the right dose.


  • Fruit
  • Sugar

Instruction for Cheong

  1. Measure the weight of the fruit you use
  2. Weigh out the amount of sugar equal to the weight of the fruit
  3. In a bowl, combine the fruit and 50% to 70% sugar
  4. The fruit that has been sprinkled with sugar is transferred into a clean jar
  5. Using a clean spoon or tamper, press down on the fruit to pack it nicely.
  6. Then, now add the remaining sugar that hasn’t been added on top of the fruit
  7. Stir or mix quickly, you can do this by turning the jar upside down every 3-4 days until all the sugar has dissolved.
  8. This needs to be done within a week to several months, with this long time it is hoped that the sugar can completely extract the fruit, so that later the liquid from the fruit will actually become syrup.
  9. When ready (this may take 1 month), strain the liquid into a clean jar, cover tightly, and refrigerate, and this will usually last for a month.

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  • Make sure you measure sugar by weight and not volume. So, if you prepare 500 grams of fruit, then you will also prepare 500 grams of sugar. So, it’s not one cup of fruit and one cup of sugar. Please pay attention, because there are many mistakes here, they prepare one glass of fruit and one glass of granulated sugar so the results are not right.
  • You can use a simple jar to make cheong, so you don’t have to prepare any special equipment.
  • The fruit you are going to use must be washed well, this is to remove most of the natural yeast and bacteria that can cause fermentation.
  • When you mix sugar with fruit, make sure it is mixed evenly so that the sugar is distributed perfectly over the fruit.
  • White sugar is the best type of sugar that you can use. However, cheong can also be made using other sugars.
  • To speed up the process, you can also massage a little sugar into the fruit so that it damages the fruit cells. This will speed up the process of extracting fruit juice along with sugar.
  • The fruit can also be cut into small pieces to speed up extraction, this will help the sugar extract the moisture from the fruit quickly.
  • Cheong is made from fruit which has a soft texture and is rich in water.
  • Store in a cool, dry place, and away from heat sources including sunlight.
  • Cheong can be stored in the refrigerator, but the process will be slower, but cooling in the refrigerator can reduce the risk of mold growth or unwanted fermentation.

Cheong is not a fermented drink, it is not fermented or fermented in large quantities, perhaps fermentation can occur in small quantities (in certain cases). Try monitoring it in the first week to determine whether there is fermentation. If you find there is fermentation, it does not get out of control.

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