Gochujang Shelf Life, Does Gochujang Go Bad? Storage & Spoilage

by Simon
Gochujang Shelf Life, Does Gochujang Go Bad

Do you want to make Korean food and buy Gochujang in large quantities, but you are worried about the Gochujang shelf life, don’t know how long it will last, or want to know more about how to store it properly so you can extend its shelf life.

If you feel all this is important, then you are reading the right article. We will explain everything carefully for you, and then you will know how to organize everything, how to store it and how long it lasts.

Thank you, you have visited us and we will explain everything about Gochujang.

Here, we will explain in detail about Gochujang, how long this sauce lasts and how to identify Gochujang that has gone bad or is no longer suitable for use.

Gochujang is available in two versions, there is a pasta version and there is also a sauce version. This paste is similar to tomato paste, and Gochujang sauce is similar to hot sauce.

Before we see how to store Gochujang to extend the shelf life of Gochujang. Let’s first see how long this sauce or pasta lasts.

How Long Does Gochujang Last?

The shelf life of Gochujang depends on its condition. If you haven’t opened Gochujang, your Gochujang can last up to 2 years, and you can still use it if it has only been expired for a few months.

While opened Gochujang, Gochujang sauce or paste can maintain its quality for up to a year or up to the specified level, this depends on what comes next.

That’s some brief information about Gochujang, now let’s pay attention to Gochujang, whether it has been opened or not.

Unopened Gochujang

The condition of Gochujang that you buy in the store is the same as other seasonings such as fish sauce, soy sauce, oyster sauce, where it has a very long shelf life if unopened.

After the expiry date, it can last for months after the expiry date, but make sure you store it in a cool, dark place and away from other sources of heat.

Its long-lasting properties are very good for use as a complementary staple food in your culinary adventures. For example, a bottle of hoisin sauce and teriyaki sauce.

Can Expired Gochujang be Eaten?

The expiration date on the label is a conservative estimate of how long fermented spices can maintain their best quality, and is not something that is related to food safety.

As long as your Gochujang does not show signs of spoilage, you can still use the Gochujang.

After Opening

If you have opened a jar of Gochujang, you can still get good quality Gochujang for one year, but when storing it you must close the jar tightly and place it in the refrigerator.

The ingredients used are fermented soybeans, sticky rice, shrimp paste, Gochujang, salt, thanks to these ingredients, Gochujang will remain long-lasting. But the quality will certainly continue to decline as time goes by.

The ingredients we have mentioned above are special ingredients in Gochujang which are made traditionally. There are also several brands that use cheaper substitutes.

What Affects Gochujang Shelf Life?

Those of us who buy Korean food seasoning Gochujang, of course want to be able to maintain its quality for a long time. To extend the shelf life of your Gochujang, pay attention to the following things that affect it. By knowing these things, you will know how to store Gochujang properly.

1. Storage Conditions

Gochujang sauce or pasta, like several other sauces, is sensitive to light and heat sources.

To ensure a long shelf life, you can store it in a cool place, store it in a dark place, or in an airtight container when storing it in the refrigerator.

2. Quality of Ingredients

Then what influences the shelf life of Gochujang is the quality of the ingredients used. High quality ingredients can often make a product last longer. So you should buy premium Gochujang whose ingredients have been tested.

If you want to store it for the long term, then choose Gochujang with premium ingredients.

Now you know how long Gochujang lasts, and how to extend its shelf life. Now we pay attention to the signs of decay. By knowing this, you can determine when to throw away your Gochujang.

How to Tell If Gochujang Is Bad?

This is an important point to know if you like Gochujang pasta or sauce. What are the characteristics of Gochujang that has gone bad? Ok, to quickly find out whether a Gochujang is fresh or rotten, you can immediately check the smell, see if there is mold growth, check the texture or find out if it tastes strange. If you find any of these signs of spoilage, then you can just throw away your Gochujang.

Now let’s take a closer look at all these signs, so you know how and when you should throw away your Gochujang.

– Off Smell

One sign that your Gochujang has gone bad is that the smell is no longer pleasant.

If you notice a strange, sour smell, especially when opening a bottle of Gochujang, then it’s time to say goodbye to your pasta or sauce.

– Mold Growth

Mold growth is also a sign of your Gochujang spoiling. Take a look at your Gochujang, whether you have fuzzy, blurry spots, gray spots, or pink or blackish brown spots, then you should just throw it away.

The mold is a sign that your sauce has gone bad.

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– Texture Changes

A rotten Gochujang will be seen not only by its smell, or the visual appearance of mold, but also by its texture.

If you find that the texture has changed, is lumpy, or is even very thick, then it is time to replace it with new Gochujang.

But the viscosity that occurs because you don’t close the bottle tightly is not a sign of spoilage, you may notice that the Gochujang sauce or paste is a little thick. This is a result of evaporation that occurs because the bottle cap is not sealed properly, this is no problem and you can use it.

– Weird Taste

Then there is a strange taste, if you find this taste in your sauce or pasta, then it is certain that it has gone bad. It smells the same as rotten mustard, or the same as rotten salad.

These are some signs of gochujang spoilage, and if you find any of them, always throw them away and ask for a new one.

Now we know some signs of spoilage in gochujang. Let’s look at some strange conditions in gochujang that are actually not a problem and are not a sign that the gochujang has gone bad.

Don’t Panic: These Changes Are Normal

1. Color Changes

Color change is one of the things that often happens when storing Gochujang. Usually, Gochujang will experience a brownish color change, this is a natural change resulting from oxidation and is not a sign of spoilage. You don’t need to throw it away because it can still be eaten as long as there is no strange smell or taste.

Gochujang sauce is the same as anchovy sauce which also sometimes changes color.

2. Separation

Gochujang can also experience separation between the sauce and the oil. Usually the oil will rise to the top and the sauce will accumulate at the bottom. You can mix it again with a spoon when you want to use it.

That’s why, many products like this recommend shaking them first before eating.

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