Chinese House Special Soup Recipe!

by Simon
Chinese House Special Soup

What is Chinese House Special Soup? This is a Chinese soup that originates from Southwest China. Its characteristic is that it has a clear sauce and is not thick with flour or other ingredients. This soup using pork bone broth can also be ordered using other bone broths, also using spring onions, ginger, shallots, garlic, and using sha cha sauce.

If you want additional flavor, you can add grated tofu, and when decorating it use chopped coriander and chopped spring onions. Served using spicy and hot broth. Anyway, enjoying this soup will make you sweat, this is perfect for serving in winter to warm the body.

Some of the ingredients used in traditional Chinese House Special Soup are meat, dried Scallops, pork bones, onions, eggs, garlic, ginger, and sha cha sauce. Sha cha is fermented red bean paste, using chopped coriander and onions. If you want it richer, you can add other ingredients such as bamboo shoots and tofu to this Chinese dish.

What is Chinese House Special Soup?

Let’s get to know this Chinese dish more closely. This is a clear broth soup that is not clouded by herbs and spices and flour. This Chinese soup uses several main ingredients such as pork bones, tofu, spring onions, so the ingredients used are similar to those used in traditional Chinese house special wonton soup. This Chinese soup is served hot and spicy.

There are pork bones, tofu and the broth is made from pork bones, but for those who live a healthy life and don’t eat pork, we can make broth from beef bones or other types of bones.

The origins behind the Chinese House Special Soup:

One of the earliest soups in Chinese history was the house special wonton soup. This soup then developed along with human civilization to become Chinese house special soup. There are many variations and various models of traditional recipes.

This dish is famous as a food that comes from China, but is also famous as a food made in Taiwan.

Chinese House Special Soup as a traditional Chinese recipe:

The Chinese House Special Soup dish is famous as a special dish in many Chinese restaurants, especially during the summer, during the long summer, China is famous for this hot and spicy soup. This is one that is especially delicious to enjoy and serve during the summer months.

Ok, we already know at a glance about this Chinese soup recipe, now let’s check together what the ingredients are and how to make it.


  • Scallops
  • Meat
  • Pork bones
  • Broth (chicken or pork)
  • Onions, garlic, ginger, and Sha Cha sauce.
  • Cilantro leaves.
  • Seasonings to taste
  • Green onion tops.
  • Stir-fried vegetables (for example, mushrooms and fresh shiitake)


Carefully follow the steps for making Chinese House Special Soup that we have given below.

Step 1

The meat is cut into small pieces. You can cut it in half or one inch pieces so it melts quickly in the soup later.

Step 2

Take onion, garlic and ginger, garlic and ginger must be cut into small pieces. Meanwhile, chop the onion into large pieces.

How to make the soup:

  • Place the pan on the fire, add the oil, and add the meat, ginger and onions. Fry all these ingredients for 10 minutes until the meat is no longer pink.
  • Add garlic, Sha cha sauce when the meat is almost cooked. Saute for another 3 minutes or until the onions become fragrant and the Sha Cha sauce is not too strong in smell anymore.
  • Add more oil, add sha cha, add soup stock, if there are a lot of solid ingredients then add more stock so that the soup is not thick.
  • Then, put the Scallops in the pan
  • Cook for 20 minutes, or until the Scallops are cooked and can be shredded easily. Add green onions, coriander leaves at the end of the cooking process.
  • Serve the Chinese House Special Soup while it is still hot, usually this soup is served with white rice, enjoying it with rice will add to the deliciousness of the soup.

Author’s analysis of the House Special Soup Recipe

This Chinese soup has simple components, even the broth can be prepared quickly even if you don’t have special skills. If you are familiar with cooking, it might only take 15 minutes to make this soup.

Apart from using the main ingredients, there are many other ingredients that can be added as additional forms of nutrition and rich taste. Including adding tofu, and corn and others.

While other soups have a complete composition, Chinese soups are not like that because the broth looks clear and tastes delicious. However, you can add many other ingredients according to your preferences.

Chinese House Special Soup is a soup that is famous in Chinese restaurants and is an adaptation of ancient soups in Chinese culture in the past.

How do Chinese restaurants make house-special wonton soup?

Chinese restaurants make house-special wonton soup without any secrets. It’s just that they usually make soup by storing it in large stainless steel vats.

So, it is cooked using a hot plate and the problem with the broth is that sometimes they add it at any time according to need. The ingredients for the soup should also be stored in the pot in a certain order for maximum efficiency.

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Chinese House Special Soup Nutrition

Talking about the nutrition of Chinese house special soup, it can be said that this is a food rich in nutrients, low in fat, sodium and bad cholesterol. Chinese soup contains a lot of protein from eggs and meat, zinc, calcium, and contains many nutrients in the form of vitamins.

So, the process of eating meat must be at a low temperature for a longer duration to maintain its nutrition. Wonton soup also contains fish sauce and garlic and both are rich in sodium.

Bottom Line: Chinese house special soup

Chinese house special soup recipe is a Chinese recipe that has been around since ancient times. This soup dish is a healthy food that is rich in nutrients. In general, it contains broth, meat, eggs, garlic, ginger, onions and additional ingredients such as tofu or other ingredients such as corn.

This is the best Chinese recipe that you can try at home, and by making it yourself at home, we can use ingredients according to taste or add or subtract ingredients. Everything according to individual preferences.

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