This is Why A Soursop is Illegal!

by Simon
This is Why A Soursop is Illegal!

Why is soursop illegal in America? Here are some reasons. Soursop is a unique fruit and is included in tropical fruit which provides many health benefits, especially in improving the body’s physiology and immune system.

However, soursop has several shortcomings so it is considered unfit to be grown in America and soursop is now among those that are banned in America.

Why is soursop illegal in America? Here we will provide important information related to soursop, including several reasons why soursop is illegal in America, how to grow soursop, health benefits and others.

The main reason soursop is banned in America is because of its high toxicity and this can have a bad impact on health. The soursop tree is invasive and its roots spread quickly and this is thought to affect certain animals and plants in a particular area. In addition, soursop is considered to have a bad impact on people with diabetes and Parkinson’s disease.

Why Is Soursop Illegal In the US?

Soursop is illegal in America because it contains poison, and this plant, which is also called Guanabana, affects certain health conditions such as Parkinson’s and diabetes.

However, from the other side, soursop has several benefits for the health of the body. If we see the great benefits, of course we will not pay attention to the bad effects.

This is different from other tropical fruits, where soursop does not exist in America and is a fruit that is difficult to find there.

The content of several substances in soursop causes this fruit to be detained and not permitted to be imported from other countries. Apart from that, most Americans also don’t like this fruit because its shape is rough and they find it unattractive.

Why is Soursop Illegal in America?

So, what are the reasons why soursop is considered illegal in America, let’s look further at soursop.

#1. Invasiveness

The soursop plant is known as an invasive plant and it spreads easily and can affect other plants.

This invasive nature can affect the conditions of animals living in certain areas.

This is bad news for farmers who implement mixed farming, the presence of soursop is considered not good and can destroy other plants.

This is the fact why soursop is banned in America.

However, on the other hand, many countries do not bother with this plant. In fact, this plant is preserved and the fruit is eaten, some of it is sold and this also provides many health benefits. Its growth is not that fast, not the real problem, we can still control it and if it invades, we can still destroy it.

Indonesia is one of the countries where soursop grows abundantly and many farmers use this plant for its fruit.

#2. Toxins

Another reason why soursop is illegal is because it is poisonous. Americans consider health to be very valuable (even though all countries are like that), so plants that are considered poisonous are banned. Soursop is one of the plants that is considered poisonous even though the fruit can be eaten.

The author is Asian and I always eat soursop fruit and even make soursop juice, it tastes sweet and sour but very pleasant. I’m sure some of you are also those who have tried this tropical fruit.

The dangerous chemicals in soursop are only in small amounts and are present when they are ripe. Meanwhile, unripe fruit contains more poison.

Consuming unripe soursop can cause blood pressure to drop. If this happens continuously, it could threaten your life.

So, looking at this fact, you should avoid eating unripe soursop, and this is one of the reasons why soursop is not allowed in America.

FDA Regulations and Concerns

All matters relating to food permits and medicines always have approval from the official body that supervise. In America, there is U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) plays an important role in regulating food safety and medicines, including food or imported drugs and the sale of ex0tic fruits such as soursop.

Soursop fruit is mentioned there is still a lack of substantial evidence that supports security and efficacy in use in the medical sector. So, for this reason, until now the FDA has not approved soursop to be used as a treatment or prevention of any medical condition. So, this has an impact on the impact of sales that are still limited, especially in a form that implies the benefits of soursop for health.

Health Risks Related to Eating Soursop

Scientific research has caused concerns about the potential for health risks from consuming soursop fruit. Especially the effect of soursop fruit related to neurotoxic.

There are compounds found in soursop fruit called Annonacin have been associated with the emergence of neurodegenerative diseases. Well, risks like this are very considered by the FDA so as to provide warnings and restrictions on the law of sales at U.S.

Soursop Claims as Cancer Drugs

One thing that is very controversial related to soursop is the ability of this plant to treat cancer. As it is called in Kamanlaw that there is anecdotal evidence in preliminary research that suggests the use of soursop because it contains anti -cancer properties. However, the FDA as a body that takes care of this problem is very concerned about the safety of food and drugs, mentioning that the Kalim is unfounded and can be potentially dangerous. Mention that there is still a very lack of clinical trials that can ensure the efficacy and safety of soursop in the treatment of cancer.

If there are such promotions of soursops that no agreement from the FDA has given birth to legal consequences and actions and contributes to the status of soursop as a substance that is prohibited in certain forms.

Does Soursop Grow In the US?

Soursop plants grow in America and take up to 6 years to produce fruit. This plant bears fruit after 3 or five years.

However, soursop is not native to America, this is also the reason why it is difficult to find this fruit in supermarkets in America.

Soursop can be found in many states such as Mexico, Brazil, Cuba, Peru and Venezuela.

Apart from that, as I mentioned earlier, many people from Southeast Asia, the Pacific region and North Africa cultivate soursop on a large scale.

Planting soursop in America is very difficult, if you plant it of course you have to work hard for it. Soursop grows from 15 to 20 feet tall and it can produce fruit as early as 3 or 5 years old.

If it is not prohibited in your area, you can plant soursop with the following considerations:

1. Land for Planting

The land for planting soursop must be spacious and have good air flow.

Its invasive nature requires you to use a fairly wide plot of land, choose a plot that provides 12 square feet of space.

The soil should also have good drainage, be rich in organic matter and be slightly acidic. To increase fruit production, you can add fruit fertilizer.

2. Temperature Conditions

Soursop needs sunlight, so you should plant it in a sunny place or with a little shade. Soursop plants grow well in places with temperatures of 30°F, and it is very bad if you plant them at temperatures above 40°F.

If exposed to cold temperatures, soursops can die quickly.

3. Care and Maintenance

Soursop plants do not require difficult care, especially if they grow in regions such as Southeast Asia.

If it’s dry, you just have to water it regularly. If the roots have grown, they will develop quickly.

Is Soursop Safe To Eat?

Soursop can be eaten, and it has many health benefits. What does soursop taste like? This fruit tastes like a combination of strawberries and oranges and pineapple.

But many people have misunderstandings about soursop so they are afraid of this fruit.

Many people who don’t read enough think that soursop has no benefits and only harm. Not everything is true, even if we say this fruit is poisonous, but that is only at a low level when the fruit is ripe.

So, eating ripe soursop also provides many health benefits because of its nutrition.

The way to eat soursop is to peel the skin, which has soft thorns, and eat the white contents. Inside the white pulp there are seeds which range in color from brown to black. Throw away these seeds while you eat the flesh.

Soursop seeds contain poison and can cause bad effects.

What about soursop leaves, can they be eaten? Some sources say soursop leaves cannot be eaten, but the author once drank boiled water from soursop leaves as a natural medicine, but only in moderate or small amounts.

You can use ripe soursop fruit to make smoothies, popsicles and ice cream.

Soursop is also a fruit that is rich in vitamin C, rich in antioxidants, and can increase the body’s immunity. Vitamins are not only good for the body’s immunity but are also good for warding off dangerous pathogens.

Soursop fruit can be useful in fighting free radicals and can prevent premature aging, prevent wrinkles and so on.

Among the nutrients in soursop is 215% vitamin C, it also contains antioxidants such as flavonoids, phytosterols and tannins. This fruit also contains vitamins B1, B12 and vitamin B3, in fact soursop fruit is very good to consume to achieve many health benefits. But because it is invasive and contains a small amount of poison, it is a shame that this plant is banned in America. Maybe, there are other reasons why this plant is not permitted? The author doesn’t know yet!

What Are the Health Benefits of Soursop?

Soursop is a fruit that is rich in vitamin C which functions as an antioxidant whose benefit is to increase the body’s immunity (source). Vitamin C strengthens the body in fighting pathogens, it promotes the destruction of free radicals, protecting body cells from damage caused by free radicals or environmental oxidation. One whole soursop contains 215% of the daily recommendation for vitamin C.

Soursop fruit and leaves are also rich in other antioxidants besides vitamin C. For example, they contain tannins, phytosterols and flavonoids. Where these antioxidants play a role in maintaining overall body health. Some other benefits of consuming soursop fruit are:

1. Increases Digestion

Soursop is a fiber-rich fruit that can improve your digestion.

If you are poisoned by eating soursop fruit, the benefit is that it can cleanse the digestive tract, removing excess sodium from the body’s system.

2. Eliminate inflammation

Soursop is rich in antioxidants which are useful in fighting inflammation, its high antioxidant content can repair damaged cells.

3. Soursop fights bacteria

The soursop contains several antibacterials so it can fight bad bacteria such as staphylococcus.

Soursop is also useful in fighting cholera and bacteria which cause gum and tooth damage.

4. Lowers Blood Pressure

For people with high blood pressure, soursop can be useful for lowering blood pressure.

This is because soursop contains potassium, and this can stabilize blood sugar.

5. Good for the body’s immunity

Eating soursop fruit regularly can also provide benefits for the body’s immunity and this can make a person resistant to attacks by certain diseases.

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Conclusion: Why Soursop is illegal in America!

Soursop is an illegal fruit in America and several other countries, this is because this plant is invasive and considered poisonous.

However, ripe soursop fruit is 100% safe to eat and even has many health benefits.

So, if you see soursop fruit, you can buy it and only eat the ripe fruit.


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